Category Archives: Workplace

Boost Attorney Wellness and Productivity with 24/7 Legal Live Chat

The legal profession is renowned for its demanding workload and high-pressure environment. Attorneys often work long hours to meet tight deadlines, juggle multiple cases and manage client expectations. It’s an environment ripe for burnout without intentional efforts to prioritize lawyer wellness.  But what does “wellness” really mean? The Global Wellness Institute defines it as “an […]

Top Strategies For Building Effective Relationships With Your Legal Clients

As an attorney, you are committed to helping clients. But do they know that? Building effective client relationships is essential for having a successful, client-focused firm.

Should My Law Firm Market for Business Interruption Cases?

The coronavirus COVID-19 has affected over four million people worldwide, and almost one and a half million people in the United States alone. For the public’s health and welfare, people have been ordered to quarantine at home.

Stay True to Your Mission Despite Uncertainty

Business leaders across the globe, from big and small companies, and a diversity of markets are facing an incredibly uncertain time. We’re living and managing through a global pandemic, and nobody knows when the economy will reopen, stabilize, and revitalize.

Be Transparent With the Employees at Your Law Firm

Put Yourself In Your Employees’ Shoes